Saturday, February 12, 2011

Meta Data

Meta data is information about a site in HTML language. Meta data is also called as Meta information or meta-data. In simple words, Meta data tells the search engines about the data on a particular site.  That is the reason, Meta data is usually termed as data about data.
Initially, most of the search engines used to depend upon Meta data for the information of a particular site. But, when many people started spamming the meta information and manipulating the rankings in search engines by updating incorrect information in meta data which is not at all relevant to their sites, search engines stopped ranking the sites based upon the meta data.
Though major search engines like Google, stopped looking at meta-data to gather information about a site, some search engines still rely on the Meta data. Hence it is good to use Meta data in the website, but one cannot expect good ranking by just depending upon Meta data.
Meta data usually looks like this:-



<META name=”description” content=” All you wanted to know about Meta data”>

<META name=”keywords” content=”meta data, meta tag, meta information”>


Meta data is used in between head tags and usually after title tag.

For more information about each line in the above example, check “Meta Tags

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